Sunday, August 19, 2012

Exercise Letstat 2

This is a Letstat exercise (you have done this exercise once in a previous post; can you remember what Letstat is about?).
Study the following words for one minute:
  • cast
  • mixture
  • rowel
  • bottom
  • invite
  • tyrant
  • quaint
  • light
  • fixture
  • realist
  • venus
  • winglet
  • prowl
  • festival
  • ledger
  • byte
  • tiny
  • bent
  • rite
  • bring
  • puzzle
  • take
  • mend
  • plug
  • advice
  • serve
  • mind
  • cable
  • face
  • indirect
Now, try to answer the following questions. You should not see the above list when answering the questions; however, if you feel that you did not pay enough attention on the statistical facts in this Letstat exercise then feel free to review the list for another one minute and come back to the questions!

a)      How many words were in the list?
b)      The letter I is more used in the list or the letter E?
c)      What two letters have been used only once in the list?
d)      What letter is most used as the starting letter?
a) 30
b) E
c) H and K
d) B


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