Monday, July 18, 2011

Brain Flexibility Exercise Type 1 - No. 1

You should do the whole following brain exercise in just 5 minutes; note that this exercise needs a rather high amount of energy. You should be ready to start with your highest speed from the very first second of this 5 minutes that you would spend for it. You need a pen and paper, or a computer to type 100 words in 5 minutes. Your score will be out of 100. For each correct word 1 mark. There is no penalty for incorrect words.

Brain Flexibility Exercise Type 1 - No. 1

1. Write 20 words each with only one letter O as their third letter; e.g. BROTHER, in which there is only one O and that O is its third letter.

2. Write 20 words each with only one letter R as their second letter; e.g. CROW, in which there is only one R and that R is its third letter.

3. Write 20 words each with two letter P; e.g. PEOPLE, or SUPPER, in which there are two Ps.

4. Write 20 words each with only one letter F as their ending letter; e.g. GOLF, in which there is only one F and that F is the last letter.

5. Write 20 words each with two V and/or W; e.g. VIEW, WINDOW, or VALVE, in which there there two Vs, two Ws, or one V and one W.

OK, now count the words that you have written correctly. What is you score?

After this exercise, it is very useful for your brain if you breathe deeply (inhale-exhale cycle) 5-10 times AND drink 2 or more cups of water (not cold water)!


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